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Oh Samsung……You Just Get Me

For my first techie/gadget/gaming post…..I need to share some love.

For the past two years, I have had an HTC phone with our previous wireless provider.  This was the first “4G” phone I had, and it started off as a great relationship.  Then I discovered that the HTC Thunderbolt was just not in it for the long haul: sounds and rings stopped working, the alarm was iffy, the WiFi died, and the battery was weak at best (down to 0% in under 5 hours with little use).  The network connection issues my provider had did not help matters in the slightest.  So we decided it was time to break our contract and move on.

Enter….the Samsung Galaxy Note II.

When you read reviews, they all call out it’s enormous size.  Yes, it is a gigantic phone.  It earns the title “Phablet”. And I have only had this device for a few days….but there are some things about it that I really love.  Samsung got these things right….just for me.

1.It’s huge.  Too huge to be a one-handed device.  Having had so many joint issues in my right hand from typing and crochet for years, having a phone that WON’T let me do things one handed is perfect.  No more single-thumb typing.

2. It’s huge.  Too huge to be a phone-to-the-ear type of phone for very long.  This means that to be very efficient, I MUST use my headset more often.  And while I have gotten better with the headset on the phone, my husband will happily point out that I could still do better and that I could use a headset in general far more often.

3. The battery is amazing. My old phone would need to spend all day on the charger to keep going.  This phone takes normal use and will not use half the battery in a workday.  AWESOME! A full day of regular use (calls, email, text, some games, Twitter, and internet surfing) put me down to 35% after 16 hours.

4. It’s fast.  The response time to type, select anything by finger or stylus, and move through screens is terrific.  Apps load more quickly, and even phone boot-up is faster.

Only time will tell if I kill this phone like the last one, but so far this is starting off as a beautiful thing.  It is definitely not a device for everyone, but I highly recommend looking at one if you are in the market.  Go try it out – don’t dismiss it.